How to Renew Your System After A Round of Antibiotics

Antibiotics might be unavoidable at times, especially if you have a severe infection that won’t be treated with natural remedies. Prescribed antibiotics are usually very broad-spectrum, aimed at killing all the bacteria in your system to make sure that the infection subsides once and for all. Unfortunately, this means that antibiotics will wipe out the […]

Taking a Step Back…

Even those who seem the strongest have set backs. Superman had kryptonite, Aquaman was lack of water, Green Lantern was yellow, Shazam was saying his own name… all things that caused them pain… Mine is comparison. I compare myself to other trainers – I compare myself to the abilities of others or their highlight reels, […]

Sick and Tired

    Are you TIRED of being SICK AND TIRED? I am! Hurricane Harvey hit Houston in the Summer/Fall of 2017. Since that natural disaster, the allergen count in Houston has been on the rise… as it was predicted. I have suffered quite a bit, and I used to only really get it twice a […]